Week at A Beach House

Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 4.12.11 PMI had the pleasure of staying at a beautiful Beach House located on New Smyrna Beach for an entire Week! Yes an entire week! It was amazing. The Beach House was on a private beach, therefore it was completely enclosed and there practically wasn’t anyone on the beach the entire time, except for our neighbors of course. Once we entered the house we were taken aback by the beauty of the view. The view was simply breathtaking and can only be described in those few words. It really was a sight to see, and not only a sight to see, but a sight to wake up to as well. Waking up to the beach is just amazing. Being able to view the beach in its greatest essence is a gift in itself. Once we settled into the beach house, we decided to plan our many escapades. First we took a boat ride on the New Smyrna Bay, in an electric boat. It was very tranquil and relaxing and we gradually rolled back and forth throughout the bay and got to view the many extravagant houses that resided on it. After relaxing for a few days we decided to go Jet Skiing, my favorite escapade. Jet Skiing was so fun! I loved it, we actually got to see 4 dolphins! They were right beside my Jet Ski, I had never been that close to wild dolphins before. It was in all an amazing experience, and I definitely would do it again. Boy what a week it was! – David Plowden, Mod’s ManorScreen Shot 2015-10-01 at 4.12.37 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 4.12.24 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 4.13.11 PM Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 4.13.01 PM