Warner Bros. Pictures In The Heights Collaboration

The movies are coming to The Manor! I repeat, the movies are coming to The Manor!

Last week, I had the opportunity to collaborate with Warner Bros. Pictures to promote their newest film In The Heights! Now, I have a personal connection with this movie because I coincidentally saw it at a local theatre here in Orlando years ago. So, I was ecstatic when I discovered that Warner Bros. Pictures decided to make a film adaptation of the Broadway play.

The Warner Bros. marketing team decided to send over some cool souvenirs to The Manor to get my followers and I excited about the movie’s release. From authentic In The Heights merchandise (T-shirt, towel, and a custom In The Heights cooler), to gift cards, and of course…a pair of movie tickets to see the film!

I decided to host a In The Heights giveaway on my social media channels for my followers and supporters (love ya’ll!), and I’m pleased to announce that the lucky winner of the In The Heights movie giveaway is Instagram account flbosslady!

Congrats on your David’s Manor x Warner Bros. Pictures collaboration win! Please make sure to DM me on Instagram or email me at [email protected] to claim your prize.

In The Heights is in theaters and streaming on HBO Max now! Purchase tickets Here!